WordPress Security

Protecting your WordPress website from hackers is essential, especially if you run a business or store sensitive information. To help you with this task, we have created the Security section. Here, we will show you how to harden your website and keep hackers away from your data.

Home » WordPress Tutorials » WordPress Security

Limit Login Attempts in WordPress

Last week we covered how to limit WordPress dashboard access, but there are some cases in which this is not exactly the best way to protect your website. Maybe you are not the only one that is working on it, and there are a lot of people that are accessing it, or you...

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How to Secure Your WP Admin Panel

We all know how important it is to keep our electronic data safeguarded and private. As cyber-attacks continue to grow rapidly each day, so is the need to fight against those malicious attempts. Having the right tools in hand can significantly reduce the risk of...

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How to Limit WordPress Dashboard Access

Let’s face it, the world is no safe place. And when you are creating a website, you are using a strong password for a reason. You, understandably, want to be the only one to enter your WordPress admin panel. And to do so, there is probably no more securer step to take...

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