
In this section of AwardSpace’s WordPress Tutorials, you will learn the everything about the Gutenberg Editor.

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Gutenberg Tutorial: Using the WordPress Block Library

What you need to know: The WordPress Block Library contains all blocks that you can use while working in Gutenberg. To insert a block, drag it from the Block Library and drop it in your document. In addition to regular Blocks, the Block Library also supports Block...

Gutenberg Tutorial: Keyboard Shortcuts

What you need to know: Gutenberg, the WordPress Block Editor, comes with a few dozen keyboard shortcuts. The great news is that the most commonly used shortcuts like undo/redo, saving changes, and formatting text use the same key combinations as other applications on...

Best WordPress WYSIWYG Editor Plugin

If you've updated your WordPress to a version of the CMS that exceeds 5.0 Bebo, your default editor will be the new Gutenberg Block Editor, which may or may not suit your preferences and what is more - habits. Now, if you are reading the present article, you probably...

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