How to Fix 406 Error Not Acceptable

Server and client errors can appear quite often on your website. dealing with such issues is a part of the journey to a successful website project, and understanding more about such errors can help you fix them quickly and efficiently, so your site functions properly,...

How to Fix 405 Error Method Not Allowed

405 Error Method Not Allowed is a specific error message that indicates a certain problem on your website. Should you see such error messages on your web pages, you should fix it as soon as possible, because error messages lower visitors’ trust in your website...

How to Fix 404 Error Not Found

404 Error Not Found is one of the most common error messages that you can see on the Web and on your own website. Because of how common is and how it negatively can impact your website, in the following paragraphs, you will read what is 404 Error Not Found is, what...

How to Fix 402 Error Payment Required

402 Error Payment Required is a specific error message that is widely used to hide premium website content until a payment is made. Although using such an error message for paywalls seems useful, the 402 Error is not as widely used as you might think. However, if you...

How to Fix 401 Error Unauthorized

When working on your website, or simply browsing the web, you can stumble upon various error messages that block you from accessing the resource you are trying to open. Such messages showcase that the communication between your Internet browser and the requested...