Summary on How to Install WordPress Theme There are two main methods to install a WordPress theme: 1. You could use the integrated theme search engine. Go to Appearance->Themes-> Add New now...
Results for "wordpress"
Often searched: Free hostingWordPressPHP How to transfer a domain
Customize WordPress Dashboard – How to Do it
When you enter into the backend of your site the first thing to show up is the Dashboard. Essentially this is a number of windows. On the top, you'll be greeted by the Welcome to WordPress! opening....
How to Enter the WordPress Admin Panel
If you are on your way to creating your own website with WordPress, right after you have installed WordPress on your domain, you'll probably want to enter the WordPress Admin Panel and start...
How to Install WordPress using the Zacky Installer
To Install WordPress You Have to: Start the Zacky Installer. Choose WordPress as the CMS you want to install. Pick any themes and plugins that you want to install with the CMS. Configure the website...
How to Format Text in WordPress (using the WYSIWYG)
Starting a blog could be a stressful experience. On the other hand, if you know what you are doing, you will be able to just focus on the content. And that will make the goal much easier and...
What is What in WordPress – Part 2
After we got to know the fundamentals of WordPress let's explore the CMS a little deeper. Posts, Pages, and Categories are not everything WordPress offers, as you can imagine. In Part 1 of this...
WordPress Basics – Part 1
In order to start the tutorial with the same level of knowledge, first, we should explore WordPress basics and find out what is what in this CMS. What's the difference between Post, Page, and...
WYSIWYG stands for "What You See Is What You Get." It refers to a user interface that allows users to create and edit content in a form that closely resembles its final appearance. This concept is...
Where to Find Information About AwardSpace?
AwardSpace is a tech startup that has been providing free web hosting solutions since 2003 for customers all around the world! If you want to find out more about us, feel free to check our About...
How does AwardSpace handle scalability for growing websites?
At AwardSpace your web success is of key importance. Hence, we are doing our best to update our knowledge base, WordPress tutorials, and other resources too. Also, we've built a help center for...
Can I host a podcast on AwardSpace?
AwardSpace is a versatile web hosting provider, striving to cover all the hosting needs one might have. From Learning to Code and Free Web Hosting to Test a Website, all the way to Web Agency...
What is .htaccess?
If you've wandered around our web hosting knowledge base, probably you've stumbled upon other articles on .htaccess. Depending on how familiar you are with the topic, you may or may not have asked...
Do you offer any specialized hosting plans for CMSs like Joomla or Drupal?
You can use AwardSpace's services for any CMS you would like. Yet, we've made the choice only to offer specialized services for a number of them. Namely, those we deemed most important, based on the...
How long does it take to set up my hosting account and domain name?
Creating a hosting account with AwardSpace is as easy as it gets. Typically the process is quick and takes just a few minutes. There are a few steps involved in the process of setting up a hosting...
Can I transfer my existing website to AwardSpace?
Yes, you can transfer your existing website to AwardSpace. In the this article we'll lead you through the process, but we'll keep it short. If you need further information you can read our tutorial...