Results for "PHP"

Example Contact Form

Our servers require SMTP authentication, which in plain English means you will have to use any of your email accounts, created within the Email Manager > Email Accounts section from your control...

How to create a website?

You have created an account, and registered a domain but you still don’t have a website. Although we cannot provide you with a comprehensive guide on web development, in this article we would like...

How to create a database?

Databases are an important part of modern websites. They store all your website data (content, users, configuration). This is why we offer databases for all hosting plans, including the free plan....

What Is FTPS and How Does It Work?

FTPS, which is also referred to as FTP Secure and FTP-SSL, is an extension of the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTPS retains all functionality that is found in FTP but adds support for the...

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