Results for "free hosting"

How to use the PHP Settings

In this article, we're going to review the PHP Settings section and its features.   How to Access the AwardSpace PHP Manager? The PHP Settings Manager allows you to perform various actions,...

Database Manager

Our Control Panel comes equipped with a full-fledged Database Manager where you can create, delete, and edit your databases. The Database Manager offers the tools necessary to work with both MySQL...

What is WHOIS Privacy Protection?

You have carefully planned out your new website and you're ready to start building it. You have purchased a hosting plan and you are about to buy a new domain name. But during the checkout process,...

How to Migrate a WordPress Website

Migrating a WordPress Website can be an unpleasant experience. Although moving is always a tough task, it won't be so frustrating if you know what exactly you are doing. Whether you are changing...

WordPress Basics – Part 1

In order to start the tutorial with the same level of knowledge, first, we should explore WordPress basics and find out what is what in this CMS. What's the difference between Post, Page, and...

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