Results for "wordpress"

Choose a Homepage in WordPress

Setting up a Home Page on your WordPress site is pretty much the same as creating a WordPress page. Yet, a bit different. The first step is the same - navigate to your WordPress Dashboard and select...

Create a Page in WordPress

WordPress pages are, similar to the posts, a key building element of a WordPress website. While the posts are ordered chronologically and, therefore, used for blog or news feeds, the pages in...

Pages vs. Posts in WordPress

Whether you already know how to create a post in WordPress and publish pages, you might still be confused about what is the difference between these WordPress website building blocks. While both...

Delete a WordPress Category

Creating a category in WordPress, as most of them is a simple and straightforward process. Sometimes with the growth of your website, you might need to delete a previously created category. You can...

Create Categories in WordPress

WordPress categories are a key feature of the CMS, that lets you organize your posts in groups. The groups that the categories make should be semantically related (based on meaning). WordPress...

Add Image to Post in WordPress

Adding media, such as images, videos, or audio files, to a WordPress post enhances the visual appeal and overall effectiveness of your content. WordPress makes this process straightforward. Here's a...

Create a WordPress Post

After you have chosen the best web hosting plan for your WordPress website, and finished the CMS installation process, you can log in to your new site and start creating. The posts in WordPress are...

Log In to WordPress

Once you have installed WordPress, to start working on your website, you will have to log in to the new installation. As we've mentioned in the article about the CMS installation process, the...

Install WordPress

You can install WordPress on every one of AwardSpace's web hosting plans. Meaning, whether you have chosen free hosting, the premium shared hosting plan, or a more sophisticated hosting service like...

9 Best WordPress Forum Plugins

If you are focusing on creating an online forum with WordPress and searching for the best options for your online community, this is the article for you. We have filtered out the best WordPress...

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