Results for "free hosting"

How Do Websites Work

Before you start working on your first website, it is worth knowing how do websites work. This will help you understand the Internet better and can also help you deal with various challenges on the...

How to Fix 502 Bad Gateway Error

Working on your website can be challenging. Especially if various error messages such as 502 Bad Gateway Error start to appear Although annoying, these error messages can be easily fixed, as is the...

How To Fix 400 Error Bad Request

    Sometimes, when browsing the web, you can stumble upon various status code messages, blocking you from opening various web pages. Such messages showcase that there is an issue in the...

How to Reinstall WordPress?

As you might know, WordPress is a free open-source content management system (CMS). It is also one of the most used CMS both by novice and experienced web developers. When you first start using...

WordPress 404 Not Found

WordPress is a commonly used CMS and can be installed both on our Free and Premium hosting plans. The “404 Page not Found” is also a common error every website owner would run across. Luckily,...

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