Results for "free hosting"

How to Install MediaWiki

You can quickly install MediaWiki on any of the AwardSpace web hosting plans. This includes our free web hosting, shared hosting, as well as advanced services such as semi-dedicated hosting and VPS...

How to Install Elgg

You can quickly install Elgg with any of the AwardSpace web hosting plans. You can use our free web hosting, shared web hosting, or advanced hosting plans such as semi-dedicated hosting and VPS...

How to Disable PHP Error Messages

When running a PHP-based website in a production environment, it's crucial to disable PHP error messages to prevent sensitive information from being exposed to users. AwardSpace offers a variety of...

How to Enable Ioncube Loader

Enabling Ioncube Loader on your server is crucial for running encrypted PHP files. At AwardSpace, we understand the importance of a quick and easy setup process for your web hosting needs. Whether...


Mod_perl is a module that can be installed on the Apache server to enhance the execution of Perl scripts. It provides an embedded Perl interpreter directly on the server, resulting in faster loading...


A firewall is a network security system designed to monitor, filter, and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. It acts as a barrier between a trusted...


IMAP is an abbreviation for Internet Message Access Protocol. It is a popular alternative to the POP3 protocol and is generally better suited for online access to email messages. Unlike POP3, the...

How can I manage my website files?

Whether you choose to use a free web hosting account or the more advanced and resourceful option of premium web hosting, at one point or another, you will have to manage your website files. There...

Do you allow custom error pages?

If you have created a free web hosting account, you might have noticed that some error pages are default pages made by us. You can set up your custom error pages, by using the .htaccess file. Read...

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