Results for "wordpress"

How to Enter the WordPress Admin Panel

If you are on your way to creating your own website with WordPress, right after you have installed WordPress on your domain, you'll probably want to enter the WordPress Admin Panel and start...

WordPress Basics – Part 1

In order to start the tutorial with the same level of knowledge, first, we should explore WordPress basics and find out what is what in this CMS. What's the difference between Post, Page, and...


WYSIWYG stands for "What You See Is What You Get." It refers to a user interface that allows users to create and edit content in a form that closely resembles its final appearance. This concept is...

What is .htaccess?

If you've wandered around our web hosting knowledge base, probably you've stumbled upon other articles on .htaccess. Depending on how familiar you are with the topic, you may or may not have asked...

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