If you want to join AwardSpace’s web hosting affiliate program, you can check out our Terms of Services, and in the sidebar menu, choose Affiliate Terms of Service.
Important points to consider when signing up for our web hosting Affiliate Program:
The first step of the enrollment process is for you to submit a completed Program Application through our website. You can do that on our Affiliate Signup Page. Once that’s done, your account will be instantly active, but we’ll still have to evaluate it in good faith to ensure that you comply with all of our rules and agreements.
Your account might be rejected if we determine that your site is unsuitable for the Program for any reason, including, but not limited to incorporation of images or other content that is unlawful, defamatory, obscene, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, such as sites that facilitate illegal activity or promote violence or promote or assist others in promoting copyright infringement (collectively, “Content Restrictions”).
The affiliate program provided by awardspace.com The services provided by awardspace.com might be restricted to regions or countries encountered to have heightened abuse behavior. awardspace.com reserves the right to deny providing its services to such countries to protect its network and premises integrity.