Hosting Basics

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How to flush DNS cache on Windows?

The cache is a hardware or software component where data is stored temporarily so it can be accessed faster in the future. Such an example would be when you load a website for the first time and its...

Where Can I See My Bandwidth Usage?

As stated, both in our Terms of Services and in the Fair Use Policies Section of the present hosting knowledge base, if you choose to use the free hosting service, certain limits are to take place....

How Can I Create an Email Account?

What you need to know: You can create an email account by going to the Email Accounts section of the Control Panel and filling the email account creation form. Electronic communication through email...

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iNewest knowledge base articles

Do you support the latest PHP version?

AwardSpace's servers are always up to date with the latest version of PHP. Currently (Jul 2024), you can set your hosting account to work with the 8.3.9 version, the latest update of which was on the 4th of July 2024. Should you face any difficulty or find out that we...

How to Install an Add-On in Concrete5

Adding add-ons in Concrete5 can greatly enhance the functionality of your website. This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing an add-on in Concrete5. How to Add an Add-On in Concrete5 The process is comprised of several steps that are easy to...

Do you support .htaccess? What should I know about it ?

Yes, AwardSpace supports the use of .htaccess files on all of our web hosting plans. This allows you to configure various settings for your website directly from the server. Related: What is .htaccess?   What Should I Know About .htaccess? The .htaccess file...

How to Make a 301 Redirect Using .htaccess

There are multiple ways to make a 301 redirect from one part of your website to another. By far the best way is to use the .htaccess configuration file. The 301 Redirect is a permanent redirection from one URL to another. Such redirections are useful for SEO, and...

What is .htaccess?

If you've wandered around our web hosting knowledge base, probably you've stumbled upon other articles on .htaccess. Depending on how familiar you are with the topic, you may or may not have asked yourself what exactly is that .htaccess file and how it works. Related:...

Where can I find my FTP information?

To find the FTP information that you need to manage your files, the first step that you need to take is to log into your web hosting account. Once there, locate the Hosting Tools in the top menu. It is the second menu item. When you hover your mouse over it a sub-menu...

Even more web tutorials

Check out our web hosting knowledge base and the WordPress tutorials to learn more, and be better prepared for your website creation and maintenance journey.