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Database Management

How can I export a database using SSH?

You need to create an SSH account from your Control Panel > Hosting Tools > SSH Manager section. To export a database use your configured SSH account by executing the following command through SSH: mysqldump -h [DB HOST] -u [DB USER] -p[DB PASS] [DB NAME] >...

How to import a database using phpMyAdmin?

Log into phpMyAdmin from your Control Panel -> Website Manager section using your Database Username and Database Password. Once you are inside the phpMyAdmin click the import button and select the database which you would like to import. Note: You might have to...

How can I import a database using SSH?

You need to create an SSH account from your Control Panel > Hosting Tools > SSH Manager section. Your database backup/dump can be imported using your configured SSH account by executing the following command through SSH: mysql -h [DB HOSTNAME] -u [DB USERNAME]...

Where Can I Find My Database Connection Settings?

Nowadays, the use of a database is very common when building a website. The main role of the database is to store the information that is present on each page. This allows you to modify your design without affecting the text that is shown throughout your site. As...

Database Manager

Our Control Panel comes equipped with a full-fledged Database Manager where you can create, delete, and edit your databases. The Database Manager offers the tools necessary to work with both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. In this article, we will go over all the...

Domain & Subdomain Management

How can I set/change the NS records of my domains?

Please note that name servers can be changed only for the domains which you have registered with us. If you would like to do that follow these steps: Go to the Domain Manager Choose the domain for which you would like to change the name servers Select the Name Servers...

What is the “Domain already exists in our database” Error?

This error message is appearing because your domain is already associated with another account in our system. Two accounts cannot host the same domain due to configuration conflicts. If you were using the domain in another account, please remove the domain from the...

Email Management

How to set up email forwarding?

To forward an email that is sent to your email account created in your hosting account you must create a forwarding email filter. To enable e-mail filtering for the incoming messages of an e-mail you must use the "Create Email Filter" menu or you can select "Options"...

How can I add an email alias?

To add an email alias, you should follow the instructions below: Log in to your Hosting Control Panel Open the Email Manager Choose the Create Email Alias option Fill in the form and create the email alias

How can I access my Webmail?

Webmail is accessible from http://mail.yourdomain.com* and also from your hosting panel, Webmail section. Login to Webmail with your e-mail address and password. *replace yourdomain.com with your hosted domain name

Example Contact Form

Our servers require SMTP authentication, which in plain English means you will have to use any of your email accounts, created within the Email Manager > Email Accounts section from your control panel. You can see the code of an example contact form...

How can I set up an email account on MS Outlook?

Follow the steps below: Open Outlook Express. Click on the Tools from the toolbar and select the Accounts... from the drop-down menu. Click on the Add button and then press Mail... Write the name you want to be displayed when your email is received (your first and...

How can I set up an email account on Outlook Office 2003?

In order to set up your email account on Outlook Office 2003, follow the steps below Open Outlook Office 2003. Click on the Tools button from the toolbar and select the Email Accounts... from the drop-down menu. Click on the Add a new email account radio button and...

How can I set up an email account on Windows Mail?

To set up an email account with Windows Mail, please follow the steps below: Open Windows Mail Click on the Add email account link Fill in the following information in the forms: Account Information: E-mail Address: anything@yourdomain.ext Password: the password for...

How to set up an email account on Mozilla Thunderbird?

Mozilla Thunderbird is one of the most famous and surely among the best email clients available. What is more, this magnificent piece of software is absolutely free. If you want to use Mozilla Thunderbird as your email client, here is how to set up your email account....

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FTP & File Management

Why does my website look different on different browsers?

The problem comes from the fact that different browsers parse HTML and CSS differently. You can search on the internet for some tips on how to make your site look relatively the same on different browsers. If you want to see how your page displays across multiple...


General Questions and Answers

How to Connect to Remote Scripts, RSS feeds, or cURL on my website?

The outgoing connections are disabled by default on all accounts for security reasons, however, they can be enabled for paid accounts from the Hosting Settings section. So all you need to do is go to your panel Hosting Settings section look for "Firewall Options" and...

How can I delete my temporary internet files?

You can clean your temporary internet files (cache/sessions/cookies) by pressing CTRL + F5 simultaneously in your web browser. If using the keyboard shortcut for temporary internet files removal doesn't resolve your problem, you can flush the DNS of your computer by...

How to delete my temporary internet files?

You can clean your temporary internet files (cache/sessions/cookies) by pressing CTRL + F5 simultaneously in your web browser. If using the keyboard shortcut for temporary internet file removal doesn’t resolve your problem, you can flush the DNS of your computer by...

How to improve my scripting skills?

One of the best websites on the internet for learning new or improving the scripting skills you already have would be W3Schools. Using the tutorials and examples provided at W3Schools in combination with our extremely easy-to-use File Manager, you can work your way...

My site does not open! How to fix it?

If you are unable to open your website through a browser and the response is “Server not found”, “No connection to host”, or something similar, there are a few things you need to check in the following order:   1. Is the domain registered and not expired? To have...

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