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Market Segmentation

Understanding your company’s audience, reaching them, and satisfying their needs is fundamental to marketing. Since each customer has a specific set of characteristics, there are many different...

SWOT Analysis

Choosing the right business strategy is essential to the success of every company. Whether the strategic plan is focused on company-wide, a specific department, or a project in your business, it's...


In the World Wide Web, files whose components make it possible to create logos, diagrams, and animations play an important part in the work of many web developers and designers. One of these files...

Return on Investment (ROI)

For any business, earning profit is important. But to become aware if the company is successful it needs to compare the ratio of the total profit that it makes to the cost of resources devoted...

Public Relations (PR)

Every business strives to build a positive reputation, as it is critical to its success. A company's good reputation is often a sign of reliability, which in turn can attract more potential...

Product Positioning

After launching a product, the company's next goal is to get it seen and remembered by the public. One way to create a memorable image around a product is by making the product carry a certain...


When building a business, the profit is a far-off dream. The real purpose of the business is to create customers by satisfying their specific needs. Often, many startups shut down because they fail...

Organizational Structure

Business efficiency is an important part of any company. Good efficiency can improve a business by the conversion of hard work into assets that generate revenue such as services and products. In...

Open Source

When developers create, release, and update software, their goal is to contribute to its ongoing progress. For this reason, they use a software program or platform with source code that is easily...

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