
Home » Glossary » Outsourcing

Often, companies look for different business strategies to reduce their costs, increase their efficiency, and remain profitable. One of these strategies is outsourcing.


What is outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a business practice in which a company uses an outside organization to perform services or create goods that the company’s employees would usually operate. This outside organization or third-party organization may also perform outsourced tasks or functions from the company. Doing this would bring some advantages to the company.


What are the advantages of outsourcing?

Choosing outsourcing as a business strategy can bring companies some advantages such as:

  • Reduce costs – Outsourcing is often a cheaper option than hiring permanent staff. The lack of different compensation structures with the outsourcing partner often works out cheaper for the business. Unlike working with employees of the company, where this compensation is paid.
  • Increased productivity and efficiency – Working with an outsourcing partner will help the company’s employees focus on their strengths and business goals. As well as on the processes that bring the most profit to the company. In this way, labor costs will be significantly reduced, while at the same time, the quality of the tasks will be improved. Also, outsourcing different projects at the same time, means that tasks can be done much faster. This helps your business increase its productivity and efficiency.
  • Better understanding of profits – Outsourcing your business projects will give you a better idea of ​​the cost of running each project. In turn, this will lead to a better understanding of the business’s profits.

Outsourcing involves handing over control of some business tasks to a third party. This can also lead to a few risks for the company.


What are the disadvantages of outsourcing?

As mentioned earlier, choosing outsourcing as a business strategy has its disadvantages such as:

  • Control loss – Since part of the company’s tasks are outsourced to a third party, they have control over them. This can lead to lower task completion rates, unhappy customers, and damage to the company’s reputation.
  • Data security – Poorly secured systems can lead to data breaches, financial losses, and damage to the business’s reputation. This is why it is important that outsourcing partners can properly protect business data against any unauthorized use or access.
  • Communication problems – Poor communication can lead to confusion about the tasks assigned by the company to the third party. Such as the assignment deadline or other misunderstandings. To avoid miscommunication, it is important to establish appropriate communication channels.



When choosing an outsourcing partner, companies should be extremely careful and compare the benefits and risks of them. Choosing the wrong partner or failing to establish clear goals may harm the quality and reputation of the business.

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