Welcome to AwardSpace’s blog! Here you can find articles on a vast number of topics. Read tutorials on how to create, manage, and market your website, so your idea can become a web success.

How to Overcome Writer’s Block: 6 Working Ways
The biggest fear of an artist is the blank page. The place that he or she has to fill with his words or brush strokes. And every now and then, while trying to fill the ‘silence’ a situation will...

How to Become a WordPress Developer: 3 Successful Developer Tips
Spending day and night staring at the screen of a computer can either be an extremely satisfying experience when achieving a certain goal or the most dreadful one when debugging for hours. If you...

Can You Monetize a Website Using Free Web Hosting?
Somewhere between the cat videos and Nicolas Cage memes lies the quintessence of digital reality. And no, it's not all about pointless humor and giggles but about the opportunity to distribute any...

Three Goals to set in Google Analytics for a Small Business
An airplane that has no destination, will most probably land in the ocean. This is true for your personal life, your marketing efforts, and your website traffic. You have to build a ‘funnel’ for the...

Travel Blogging Guide for Beginners + Printable Checklist
A few decades ago people strived for a secure job, a steady salary, and a peaceful routine. Embracing the white-collar culture, little did they aspire to an independent profession or adventurous...

The 4 Mistakes in Web Design You Should Always Avoid
High-school photos. An eternal source of nostalgia and a dreadful reminder of our questionable choices in both life and fashion. From ridiculous hair to unfortunate accessories, we all have a...
Latest posts:
How Free Website Hosting Services are Boosting Creativity, and Entrepreneurship
In October last year Hosting Advice.com claimed that AwardSpace is encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit. You should definitely check out their article. What they said couldn’t be truer. The Free Web Hosting services that AwardSpace is providing are surely...
What is LSI and Is It Important To SEO in 2018?
Human-computer interaction is nothing short of immense effort investment in developing sophisticated enough natural language processing (NLP) technologies to fulfill a successful communication. In other words, most of our attempts at programming artificial...
How To Start A Lifestyle Blog In 10 Simple Steps
What Is and How to Start a Lifestyle Blog? Let's be honest - before you learn how to start a lifestyle blog, you have to know what It is. However, if you are thinking and searching for it, you probably already have an idea. Blogging has turned into something pretty...
How to Choose Keywords for Google AdWords Campaign
Keywords are as important for your Adwords(now Google Ads) campaign, as they are for the search engine optimization of your website. Therefore, knowing how to choose keywords for Google Adwords is as much important as it is when you are optimizing your content. We...
The 10 Free Digital Marketing Tools You Absolutely Need in 2018
The digitalization of all of the aspects of exchange relationships has resulted in numerous alterations in the area of marketing. First of all, digital marketing opened the door for alternative media for communication, scaling, and analysis of commercial data. Also,...