Welcome to AwardSpace’s blog! Here you can find articles on a vast number of topics. Read tutorials on how to create, manage, and market your website, so your idea can become a web success.

What is LSI and Is It Important To SEO in 2018?
Human-computer interaction is nothing short of immense effort investment in developing sophisticated enough natural language processing (NLP) technologies to fulfill a successful communication. In...

How To Start A Lifestyle Blog In 10 Simple Steps
What Is and How to Start a Lifestyle Blog? Let's be honest - before you learn how to start a lifestyle blog, you have to know what It is. However, if you are thinking and searching for it, you...

How to Choose Keywords for Google AdWords Campaign
Keywords are as important for your Adwords(now Google Ads) campaign, as they are for the search engine optimization of your website. Therefore, knowing how to choose keywords for Google Adwords is...

The 10 Free Digital Marketing Tools You Absolutely Need in 2018
The digitalization of all of the aspects of exchange relationships has resulted in numerous alterations in the area of marketing. First of all, digital marketing opened the door for alternative...

5 Facts About Social Media That Are More Important Than We Think
Many people would be surprised how many facts about social media they don’t give enough credit to. Some of them are marketers, experts, public relations consultants, or everyday users. However, a...

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Website? Free Web Hosting Explained
The early 1990s were a turning point for human development and our attitude towards technological advancement. With the World Wide Web's revolutionary contribution to access to information, a new...
Latest posts:
What is Upselling and the Right Way to Do It?
A few years ago, I was part of another business and had to meet upsells very often. Interesting thing is – no one thought of me. Because everybody wanted to do it and get an advantage, meaning no one wanted me to be good at it. But sometimes, it’s a skill you learn by...
How to Create Your Own Email Domain in 3 Easy Steps
Earlier this year, Compass released its E-commerce Conversion Rate Benchmark report. The takeaways provide an insight into the most effective e-commerce acquisition channels and conversion rates by product types. According to the report, email is the second-best...
How to Provide the Best Possible Customer Support Services
Taking care of your business is not something we need to teach you. How you run your tasks, how you create your vision, and how you express yourself, is only and truly up to you. We can only give tips and guide beginners into becoming the best entrepreneurs they can...
5 Essential Web Design Trends in 2018
As much as we can't believe it, it's already October. And even though we're not at the end of the year yet, we can still have a quick review of the biggest web design trends for 2018. We asked web designers to share their views on the top 5 web design trends for the...
How Google Works – the Unexpected Truth Behind the Search Engines
Every one of us should know exactly how Google works. Because if you take the time to think about it, the company has a major role in our everyday life. Even if one is unable to perceive it, due to a lack of interest in the industry, Google is in such a position that...