Welcome to AwardSpace’s blog! Here you can find articles on a vast number of topics. Read tutorials on how to create, manage, and market your website, so your idea can become a web success.

How to Provide the Best Possible Customer Support Services
Taking care of your business is not something we need to teach you. How you run your tasks, how you create your vision, and how you express yourself, is only and truly up to you. We can only give...

5 Essential Web Design Trends in 2018
As much as we can't believe it, it's already October. And even though we're not at the end of the year yet, we can still have a quick review of the biggest web design trends for 2018. We asked web...

How Google Works – the Unexpected Truth Behind the Search Engines
Every one of us should know exactly how Google works. Because if you take the time to think about it, the company has a major role in our everyday life. Even if one is unable to perceive it, due to...

What is the Cheapest WordPress Hosting in 2018?
What is the cheapest WordPress hosting out there? And most importantly, what do you get for the price? Several years ago, when the digital service market was still not as flooded, only a handful of...

The Essential 6 eCommerce Web Design Tips for Perfect Online Business!
Starting a business by creating a website or any other kind on the Internet, comes with dedication, patience, and a little bit of knowledge. eCommerce seems to be the biggest online service....

How to Write an Article in 60 Minutes
Article writing is the main pillar that holds every blog worldwide. Of course, there are other types of content but you have to know how to write an article to maintain a blog. In times when you are...
Latest posts:
How to Start an Online Clothing Store
Online businesses have turned a lot of brave people into successful entrepreneurs. If you are thinking about how to start an online clothing store, then you are one step away from becoming one too. The steps you need to take are important and we can be by your side on...
Are You Making These Blogging Mistakes?
One of the best learning methods is through try and error. But how could one learn, if the mistakes are never brought to his attention? It is simple. He won't learn. Instead, he'll continue making the same mistake over and over again until it's too late for amending...
How to Create a Resume Website in 20 Minutes and Land Your Dream Job
Beginnings play an important role throughout one's lifetime. Be it a film, a book, a relationship, or a job, the dawn always interrupts the otherwise undisturbed monotone of the everyday. Most importantly, beginnings are marked by a series of decisions. And while only...
What is it That we Can Learn from a Website Heatmap Trip?
Everybody loves a good trip, right!? And website heatmap tracking is the best you can take for your website’s sake. The benefits you’ll find are a lot and your overlook of things might change even more. A website heatmap is following the clicking and browsing behavior...
HostingAdvice.com: “AwardSpace Helps Startups Achieve Online Dreams”
One month ago last year, HostingAdvice.com published an article, observing that AwardSpace is encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit. On the second of November this year, we are again featured in a piece of arguably the largest hosting-oriented media. Again, the main...