Welcome to AwardSpace’s blog! Here you can find articles on a vast number of topics. Read tutorials on how to create, manage, and market your website, so your idea can become a web success.

On Christmas – How to Build a Business Plan for 2019
No matter which side of the world you are, I hope it is beautifully snowing, just like where I am. Or at least, I hope you get the same Christmas mood as hoped. Lights shining their way to our...

How to Create a Free One Page Website in 3 Steps
Contemporary websites serve multifaceted purposes incorporating versatile functions to cater to the new generation of web users. This is not surprising considering the vastness of the available...

Digital Marketing: The Trends That May Change The Game in 2019
Even though I was deeply convinced that there is no possibility for someone not to know what is digital marketing, the truth is, that we, as digital marketers, are part of a tribe. Nothing more, and...

How to Translate a Website to English or Any Other Language? Easy Solutions.
Well-developed websites and that matter – brands, go worldwide. The success itself is great, but naturally, it comes with more responsibilities. As we have already pointed out not once to you, when...

How to Write SEO Content Articles in 2019
As hard as it seems to believe, another year has passed and it’s again time to evaluate our past work and project new goals for the upcoming one. Some of the central strategies throughout this year...

5 Best WooCommerce Plugins to Increase Your Sales This Holiday Season
'Tis the season to be jolly. Fa la la la la, la la la la. Once malls start blasting old Christmas classics, you know the holiday season is knocking on your door. And so is the sales season. Even if...
Latest posts:
Difference Between WordPress and Website Builder and How to Choose
Creating a website, for any reason you might have always, comes with different challenges and decisions. One of the very firsts that you need to make is about how exactly you will create your website. Are you going to use WordPress or a website builder? And if you...
How to Create a Successful Blog in 2019: A Quick Guide
In the age of intense battle for influence and data, a new generation of media presence was born - that of bloggers. Blogging, however, is much more than being an influencer or trendsetter. It is about the freedom of anyone to express their voice and reach the...
How to Create a Website to Sell: An Introduction to eCommerce
50% of small businesses fail by their fifth year. And 42% of those that fail to do it because there’s no market for their product or service. (VisualCapitalist, 2017) In the contemporary economic environment, starting a business can be a daunting experience. This is...
Cool Website Ideas? Sure, here are 10!
Diving into the waters of the website world, there will be a lot of obstacles, adventures, and steps up and down. Generating an idea of what your website should be about, probably won’t be a trouble for you. Yet, if your mind is split between a few options, or you are...
Goodbye, Google+! All About the Shutdown and the Future.
As of April 2, 2019, Google+ will be completely shut down. In December was announced the decision to put an end to the social network that Google created. In their official statement the reasons were named as: “due to low usage and challenges involved in maintaining a...