Welcome to AwardSpace’s blog! Here you can find articles on a vast number of topics. Read tutorials on how to create, manage, and market your website, so your idea can become a web success.

What to Include in Your Website Home Page?
Building a website from scratch is time-consuming and it requires investing thought and consideration before all. There are important decisions to be made and choosing might just be your main...

What is Storytelling in Marketing and How to Do it Right?
Within the pagan beginning of human nature lay the deeply rooted beliefs in the inherent determinism of the processes in the world. This view not only assigned the responsibility for all the...

Difference Between WordPress and Website Builder and How to Choose
Creating a website, for any reason you might have always, comes with different challenges and decisions. One of the very firsts that you need to make is about how exactly you will create your...

How to Create a Successful Blog in 2019: A Quick Guide
In the age of intense battle for influence and data, a new generation of media presence was born - that of bloggers. Blogging, however, is much more than being an influencer or trendsetter. It is...

How to Create a Website to Sell: An Introduction to eCommerce
50% of small businesses fail by their fifth year. And 42% of those that fail to do it because there’s no market for their product or service. (VisualCapitalist, 2017) In the contemporary economic...

Cool Website Ideas? Sure, here are 10!
Diving into the waters of the website world, there will be a lot of obstacles, adventures, and steps up and down. Generating an idea of what your website should be about, probably won’t be a trouble...
Latest posts:
Why are Customer Insights Important and What to Do with Them?
When you are running an online business, often different occasions appear when you have to adapt, you have to learn and improve yourself even if you are many years on the market. Everything evolves and changes fast, and you always have to keep the tempo if you want to...
Welcome to the Space Lift
It was almost exactly two years ago when AwardSpace started to walk a path that we hope will lead to you. We not only changed the design of our website but what is more important, created services that we hoped you'll love. Now, two years later, we found out that...
Web Design for Beginners – 10 Common Mistakes
“48 percent of people cited that a website’s design is the No. 1 factor in determining the credibility of a business.” This incredible statistic should be enough for everyone to understand the importance of investing time, effort, and capital in designers. And if you...
Why You Should Always Update Themes and Plugins
To update themes and plugins is like the annual technical check you do on your car. Or the change of the tires when they are old. Shortening your hair, reorganizing your home, cleaning your laptop, or any other necessary activity that people do is just mandatory....
Create the Best Product Page and Win Customers
Creating a product page for your website is not only a way to win customers but a way to present your products in a way that they can tell a story. They can attract, have an influence, and be meaningful to others. That bond that is built between you and your website...