What is Slug in WordPress

Due to the rise of the technology industry that we have observed in the last decades, especially the last one, Search Engines are becoming a more and more substantial factor for business success. If the search engine doesn’t show your website, it could as well...

WordPress Permalink – What is it

The structure of the URLs of your website is crucial for the Search Engines to be able to understand what the page is about. Afterward, if a person is searching for similar to your content, the Search Engine(whichever it is) will present him with the most relevant...

Let’s Talk About Posts

We already discussed the main purpose of the post in WordPress. But there is a lot more to them.   What is a Permalink? Every post and page on a site has its permalinks(or permanent links). They could look similar to this one http://www.yoursite.com/?p=183. Of...

How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress (3-Step Guide)

If you are serious about building and maintaining a website, a key part of the process would be to choose a way to track the audience of your website. Who are they? Where do they come from? How much time do they devote to your content? When are people visiting your...

How to Change WordPress Password

Security is a major concern on the web. So, we highly recommend choosing a password that will be difficult to guess. Of course is equally recommended for the password to be one, that you can easily remember. Still, stay away from using brand names, the word...