How to Add a Link to WordPress Content

Knowing how to add a link to WordPress as an anchor in the content of your website is essential for a number of elements. Namely, user experience, SEO, and even the way the content is perceived. Links in an article may never be clicked by the users but still, they are...
How to Overcome Writer’s Block: 6 Working Ways

How to Overcome Writer’s Block: 6 Working Ways

The biggest fear of an artist is the blank page. The place that he or she has to fill with his words or brush strokes. And every now and then, while trying to fill the ‘silence’ a situation will occur where you have nothing to ‘say’. Or at least that is how it feels....

How Does WordPress Menu Work

It has become a part of us. When we enter a website we are instinctively looking at the top of the page, so we can orient ourselves. It is an attempt to understand what the site is about and what the other pages would look like if we use the menu. The menu of the...