4 Ways Your Website Can Get You A Job

4 Ways Your Website Can Get You A Job

Today I was thinking about my first personal website. I’ve never thought that a day will come when my efforts will be rewarded. Looking back at that time, I remember the fear that I won’t be able to write something every day (that was the goal), I feared that my...

How to Limit Post Revisions in WordPress

There are a number of things you can (and should) do to optimize the performance of your WordPress Website. In fact, you are obligated to do so. That, of course, if you want to retain your existing users and acquire new ones. One of the acceleration methods mentioned...
4 Ways to Monetize your WordPress Website

4 Ways to Monetize your WordPress Website

A few weeks ago, we glanced over a couple of Side Business Ideas, yet, having a standard online business might not be for you. You might not want to take care of all the business details. Accounting for example. Yet, the benefits of having a side gig, are way too...

How to Create WordPress Child Theme

WordPress is a highly customizable CMS. It is true that a lot of the changes that you can make depend on the theme that you’ve installed. On the other hand, often there is a workaround for the subtle changes that you may want to make even if the theme is not...