How to Create a Twitter Widget for WordPress

The success of your website and the amount of traffic that it gets could be determined only by the fact whether you are present on the social networks or not. We’ve already covered the topics of how to build the so-called “social proof” by adding a...

How to Edit Footer in WordPress

After you’ve installed WordPress on your chosen domain, what you need to do, to create the website you’ve always wanted is to install a theme.  Whether you decide to use a free theme or a paid one, what you’ll see, most often than not, is a footer, dedicated to the...
How to Make WordPress Secure from Hackers

How to Make WordPress Secure from Hackers

The web is constantly changing, constantly evolving. While this growth is predominantly good, we shouldn’t forget the possibility of malevolent behavior from some of the users. That is why, when building a WordPress website, we should consider not only the creation...

How and Why to Define WordPress Blog Page

When speaking of building a website with WordPress (or any other platform for that matter), arguably the most important thing to do is to make it so your website has a strong foundation. That is, to create such a structure that people, as well as machines, can easily...

How to Embed PDF in WordPress

If you’ve written an ebook for the users of your website, chances are you may also need to know how to embed PDF in WordPress. Of course, there are way more reasons to want to embed a pdf in your website, than the one mentioned above. You may want to promote your...