How to hide out of stock products in WooCommerce

Any WooCommerce shop that sells physical goods will have some kind of inventory management to cope with. Fortunately, stock management functionality is built into WooCommerce by default. The use of inventory controls in WooCommerce is a significant component of...

How to add Amazon Products to WooCommerce

In this tutorial, we will show you how to easily add Amazon products to WooCommerce. We will also discuss our specialist advice on increasing the income of your Amazon subsidiary. Ready? Let’s get started.   What is an Amazon Affiliate Store? An Amazon affiliate...

How to Add and Use Widgets on Your WordPress Website

When people decide to create a website with WordPress, they usually face a steep learning curve. After they grasp on the basics of WordPress, namely, themes, plugins, posts, and pages, there is still one topic that is usually left behind. This topic is, of course, the...

How to Add Gravatar to Your WordPress Profile

You are almost there! You’ve created your first WordPress website. But for your WordPress experience to be full, you’ll want to add gravatar to your profile. You know, the pictures that you see next to people’s profiles all over the web. We call them “avatars”. Yet,...

How to set Minimum Order Amount in WooCommerce

Setting a minimum order amount in WooCommerce implies your clients need to add products to their shopping cart and achieve a specific order value to proceed with checkout. If you offer cheaper products in your shop, the shipping cost may sometimes be more than the...