What is Shared Hosting

Anyone who wants to have a website has to consider the web hosting service he will use. Although we’ve already covered the topic of what is web hosting, we want to remind you of a few key points. Every website is composed of a number of files and a database(s)....

How to Add Google Calendar in WordPress

Whether you are maintaining a simple blog that you want to share with your website visitors when the next article is going to be published or have an event-oriented website, you (and your visitors) will highly benefit from a publicly available calendar. And while...

How to Add Disqus to WordPress

As we’ve mentioned time and time again, WordPress is highly customizable website creation solution. You are not, and never were, enforced to use one specific method to get your site to the position you want to. Let’s talk about the comment section. You might want to...

How to Delete WordPress Page

Sometimes you may want to delete a specific page on your WordPress website. These cases, although rare, do exist. And when you ought to do it, it is better to know how to delete the unnecessary pages on your website. The reasons may vary from not needing the page...