How to Install an Add-On in Concrete5

How to Install an Add-On in Concrete5

Adding add-ons in Concrete5 can greatly enhance the functionality of your website. This tutorial will guide you through the process of installing an add-on in Concrete5. How to Add an Add-On in Concrete5 The process is comprised of several steps that are easy to...
How to Create a New Page with Concrete5

How to Create a New Page with Concrete5

Creating a new page in Concrete5 CMS involves a few steps. Below is a guide to help you understand how to create a new page with Concrete5. Step 1: Log in to the Dashboard To create a new page in Concrete5, you should first install Concrete5 and then sign in to the...
How to Install and Activate a Concrete5 Theme

How to Install and Activate a Concrete5 Theme

Concrete5 themes control how your website looks and feels. With themes, you can display your website content most suitably, according to your needs and requirements. Concrete5 themes comprise various files including HTML and CSS documents, and other elements that help...

How to Sign In to Concrete5

After you have installed Concrete5, it is time to sign in to the CMS, so you can start working on your new website. To sign in, you should open the Concrete5 login page and type in your credentials to access the platform’s admin dashboard. In the following paragraphs,...
How to Install Concrete5

How to Install Concrete5

You can easily install Concrete5 for free with any AwardSpace web hosting plan. You can use our free web hosting, shared web hosting, or advanced hosting plans such as semi-dedicated hosting and VPS hosting. Read also: How to Choose the Best Web Hosting Plan for Your...