How to Find Your Nameservers

How to Find Your Nameservers

Nameservers, known also as domain name servers, or simply as NS, translate the human-readable domain names into machine-readable IP addresses. Nameservers also point your registered domain to a specific server. Should you wish to understand how to find your...
Shared Hosting Quick Start Guide

Shared Hosting Quick Start Guide

Once you purchase a shared hosting plan from AwardSpace, there are a few steps that we encourage you to take, so you get the maximum of your subscription plan. The steps are easy to follow and can help you get around the plan and all the features you benefit from. If...
how Do I Point my Existing Domain to AwardSpace

how Do I Point my Existing Domain to AwardSpace

To point your registered domains to AwardSpace, you should first access the domain registrar admin panel where you registered the domain in the first place. Here’s what to do once you enter the registrar’s dashboard: 1. Find the domain name settings. Find the domain...
How to Register a Domain Name for Your Website

How to Register a Domain Name for Your Website

Building a website is crucial for your online presence. It can help you attract a wider audience and create more streams of income for your business. A foundational step in the process of creating a good website is the registration of a domain name. A domain name, in...