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Creating a Website for a Musician: The Beginner’s Guide

by | Oct 10, 2018 | Entrepreneurship

Music. As a vital aspect of cultural activity throughout the ages, it has managed to convey not only the aesthetical values of the time but also the social and economic ones. That is why once the preservation of a musical piece became available, the whole history of arts and politics was about to transform.

Fast forward to our day and age and it becomes obvious what enormous role music has in our everyday lives. From advertising jingles to epic soundtracks, we are surrounded by melodies everywhere we go.

As a musician, however, you know better than anyone else what a toll this mass production can take on the ones trying to make a name. In the times when art has abandoned its institutionalism and elitism, literally, everyone can become an artist. And this has its consequences. The oversaturated industry can only handle a limited number of well-known musicians and to succeed means to work harder than everyone else.


Digital Presence

Today, it is almost unthinkable for a musician to lack a digital presence. While YouTube and Spotify are awesome outlets for your talent to reach the mass audience, a personal website is your business card for your professional aspirations.

Creating a website for a musician requires patience and deliberation. Most importantly, it requires guidance. Considering the fact that most musicians will have minimal knowledge of web development, we’ve prepared this quick guide for creating a website for a musician.


1. Web Hosting and Domain


Creating a Website for a Musician


What usually remains untold, is the story of the effort behind each and every creative endeavor. While it might seem that technology and creativity stand on opposite poles of human activity, a quick peek into contemporary art proves this wrong.

So, what does creating a website for a musician involve? First and foremost, in order to create any website at all, one needs web hosting. Choosing the right provider means calculating your required resources and researching the offered plans. To all musicians, we usually recommend WordPress hosting as an optimal solution. Learning how to choose a web hosting service, however, is just the tip of the iceberg.

Once the web hosting is chosen, it’s time to proceed to the next essential aspect of your website – the domain name. Choosing a domain name and to register a domain name are two completely different things. The creative process behind the first one typically has a much stronger appeal for musicians.

There are different approaches when choosing the right SLD (second-level domain). The most successful one when it comes to personal musician websites, however, is simply choosing your own name or your band’s name. This will enhance your recognizability and credibility as a creator and artist among your audience.


2. Web Design and Appearance


Creating a Website for a Musician


The design of a website has the capacity to unveil a number of qualities and characteristics. Its power to tell a story and to inspire visitors is often neglected and underestimated. Nevertheless, when presenting your musical work through a personal website, design plays a crucial role.

Most contemporary musicians, rely on minimalist design to make their work pop. This is a winning strategy when it comes to simplistic websites. If you, however, are looking to create an unforgetful user experience, it might be worth learning what the latest web design trends are.

Even though your art is not visual in an apparent way, stimulating a number of senses in your audience can put together a much more holistic experience. And the audio-visual system is the right one to do this with.


3. Pages and Structure

The structure of the website is what ensures its coherence not only to visitors but also to search engines. This is something worth considering when aiming to optimize your website for Google. SEO strategies are not limited merely to content and distribution but also to the internal consistency of the website’s structure.

This is why, when deciding on the pages you would like to include on your website, bear in mind how clear they would be to machines. In other words, pages like About me, Tour Dates, and Music could cater to the interest of your visitors while keeping their focus on search engines as well.

Most importantly, your website needs to be comprehensive, covering all the areas of your professional interest. This is easily achieved through dedicated pages and blog posts to your latest work and activities. On the other hand, alternative methods to drive traffic to your website are also welcome.

Read: How to drive traffic to your website using social media.


Creating a Website for a Musician


Why is Creating a Website for a Musician Important?

Many people are more than convinced that creating a website for a musician will only be an additional burden to their busy schedule. “Isn’t a YouTube channel enough?”, is what they’ll typically ask.

And the answer here is an undoubted “No.”

The plurality of the contemporary media is not arbitrary and entails a number of consequences when used correctly. First and foremost, personal websites have different goals. Telling a story about you as a creator in a holistic and coherent way can only be made possible through the development of a personal website. Your audience will be able to get to know you not only as an artisan but also as a person.

Also, finding job opportunities is another important aspect of the musician’s every day. Through the use of a business-card-like personal website, you’ll be able to provide a carefully curated presentation to prospective employers.

Finally, as a creator and innovator, you know better than anyone else how important the chance of living in today’s day and age is. This includes embracing the new age of advancement where technology and art collide to create never seen experiences. And this is something worth your time.


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