What Causes HTTP Error 401 Unauthorized?

HTTP Error 401 Unauthorized is a standard response code indicating that a request made to a web server is not authorized due to invalid or missing authentication credentials. This error signifies that the server requires authentication to fulfill the request but has...

What is HTTP Error 401 Unauthorized

The HTTP 401 Unauthorized error is a status code that indicates a request made by the client has not been fulfilled because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the requested resource. This error is an indication that the server requires user authentication...


POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3) is the latest version of the Post Office Protocol, designed for the retrieval of email messages by email applications from email servers. This protocol enables you to receive your mail when you connect to the Internet using either...


IMAP is an abbreviation for Internet Message Access Protocol. It is a popular alternative to the POP3 protocol and is generally better suited for online access to email messages. Unlike POP3, the IMAP protocol keeps all your emails on the server until you choose to...