Change WordPress Post Slug

We’ve already covered what a permalink is and how it is important for your website. Your search engine ranking and user experience. In this article, we’ll focus on the last building block of a permalink. And that is the slug. The slug, as a part of the...
How to Create a New Page with Concrete5

How to Create a New Page with Concrete5

Creating a new page in Concrete5 CMS involves a few steps. Below is a guide to help you understand how to create a new page with Concrete5. Step 1: Log in to the Dashboard To create a new page in Concrete5, you should first install Concrete5 and then sign in to the...
How to Install and Activate a Concrete5 Theme

How to Install and Activate a Concrete5 Theme

Concrete5 themes control how your website looks and feels. With themes, you can display your website content most suitably, according to your needs and requirements. Concrete5 themes comprise various files including HTML and CSS documents, and other elements that help...