Change the Permalink Structure

If your website is well-established and well-known to both users and search engines, we would advise you against changing the permalink structure, as it most probably will worsen your positions in the SERP. The permalink structure, as already mentioned is crucial for...

WordPress Users

You need to know what the roles of the WordPress users are in order to correctly define who in your team gets what role. By default, WordPress has the following user roles: Subscriber Contributor Author Editor Administrator. Naturally, each role has different...
How to Log in To Grav

How to Log in To Grav

After you have installed Grav, it is time to log in to the CMS, so you can start working on your new website. To log in, you must open the Grav login page and type in your credentials to access the platform’s admin dashboard. In the following paragraphs, we show how...
How to Install Grav

How to Install Grav

You can quickly install Grav with any of the AwardSpace web hosting plans. You can use our free web hosting, shared web hosting, or advanced hosting plans such as semi-dedicated hosting and VPS hosting. Read also: How to Choose the Best Web Hosting Plan for Your Site...
How to Update Drupal Module

How to Update Drupal Module

Updating a Drupal module involves several steps to ensure the process is smooth and doesn’t disrupt your site. Here’s a detailed guide to help you update a Drupal module. Read also: How to Install a Drupal Module   How to Update Drupal Module Step 1:...