Add a Featured Image to a Post or Page in WordPress

The featured images in WordPress will increase the visual appeal of your content both of posts and pages. Yet, adding a featured image is more important for the posts, as it will help engage the users on your website in the post itself as in the page with your latest...

Choose a Homepage in WordPress

Setting up a Home Page on your WordPress site is pretty much the same as creating a WordPress page. Yet, a bit different. The first step is the same – navigate to your WordPress Dashboard and select Pages -> Add New. You can also hover over the Pages option,...

Create a Page in WordPress

WordPress pages are, similar to the posts, a key building element of a WordPress website. While the posts are ordered chronologically and, therefore, used for blog or news feeds, the pages in WordPress are static and (usually) not tied to a date. The content on the...

Pages vs. Posts in WordPress

Whether you already know how to create a post in WordPress and publish pages, you might still be confused about what is the difference between these WordPress website building blocks. While both pages and posts are used to deliver content, understanding the...
How to Register a Domain Name for Your Website

How to Register a Domain Name for Your Website

Building a website is crucial for your online presence. It can help you attract a wider audience and create more streams of income for your business. A foundational step in the process of creating a good website is the registration of a domain name. A domain name, in...