Add Custom CSS Code

Adding custom CSS code to your WordPress site is a great way to personalize and tweak your site’s design beyond the options provided by your theme. You can add custom CSS code to your WordPress theme, via the customization options or directly in the styles.css...

Personalize WordPress Theme

The best way to make a WordPress website truly yours and distinctive is to personalize it so that the color and shapes of the installed theme fit better with your logo and the brand you want to establish. On the other hand, you might want to personalize the chosen...

Add a WordPress Theme

The WordPress themes are what control the visuals and sometimes functionalities of your website (in a smaller capacity than plugins). Therefore, adding a new theme to your website is an absolutely crucial knowledge.  Whether you’re launching a new site or...

Remove the Comment Section of WordPress Posts

There are multiple reasons that might make you decide to remove the comment section of your WordPress website. For instance, you might want to have a cleaner design for your posts, or you might experience a significant spam inflow. Also, a viable reason for removing...

Schedule Post in WordPress

Imagine you’ve crafted an important article a few days back, but it needs to be released at a very specific time—a time when you’re certain you won’t be available to manually publish it online. While it’s feasible to request a friend or loved...