Product Positioning

After launching a product, the company’s next goal is to get it seen and remembered by the public. One way to create a memorable image around a product is by making the product carry a certain highly desired perception, based on the needs of the company’s...
What Is PageRank? A Quick History Lesson

What Is PageRank? A Quick History Lesson

PageRank is a Google algorithm developed by Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin back in 1996. The main aim of the algorithm is to determine a webpage’s importance. The way it does so is by considering how many high-quality backlinks a page has received. The...


When building a business, the profit is a far-off dream. The real purpose of the business is to create customers by satisfying their specific needs. Often, many startups shut down because they fail to create customers unwilling to pay for their products or services....
How to Sell Ads on Your WordPress Website

How to Sell Ads on Your WordPress Website

Learning how to sell ads on your WordPress website marks an exciting step in launching a website project – monetizing your site and gathering the sweet fruits of your endeavors. In other words, once you create a great website and start generating traffic, you...

Organizational Structure

Business efficiency is an important part of any company. Good efficiency can improve a business by the conversion of hard work into assets that generate revenue such as services and products. In order to clarify the efficiency of the business, it is important to know...