How to set up email forwarding?

To forward an email that is sent to your email account created in your hosting account you must create a forwarding email filter. To enable e-mail filtering for the incoming messages of an e-mail you must use the “Create Email Filter” menu or you can...

How can I add an email alias?

To add an email alias, you should follow the instructions below: Log in to your Hosting Control Panel Open the Email Manager Choose the Create Email Alias option Fill in the form and create the email alias

How can I access my Webmail?

Webmail is accessible from* and also from your hosting panel, Webmail section. Login to Webmail with your e-mail address and password. *replace with your hosted domain name

Example Contact Form

Our servers require SMTP authentication, which in plain English means you will have to use any of your email accounts, created within the Email Manager > Email Accounts section from your control panel. You can see the code of an example contact form...

How can I set up an email account on MS Outlook?

Follow the steps below: Open Outlook Express. Click on the Tools from the toolbar and select the Accounts… from the drop-down menu. Click on the Add button and then press Mail… Write the name you want to be displayed when your email is received (your first...