How Can I Get an SSL Certificate?

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to run a successful website without securing it with SSL. When you buy an SSL certificate, you will gain several benefits, chief among them being the ability to enable HTTPS. You will also be increasing your visitors’ trust in your...

How to Edit the php.ini File

In this video hosting tutorial, you will learn how to edit the php.ini file from your hosting account. This feature is available only for paid users.     First, you need to select the PHP Settings section from the control panel. Click on the link to edit the...

How to use the .htaccess Generator

In this video hosting tutorial, you will learn how to use the .htaccess generator from your hosting control panel. It is available for free and paid users.     First, you need to select the .htaccess Generator section from the control panel. If you wish to...

How to Change the PHP Version

In this video hosting tutorial, you will learn how to change the PHP version from your hosting account, section PHP Settings.     First, you need to select the PHP Settings section from the control panel. Select your preferred version of PHP from the...

How to Activate ASP.NET

In this video hosting tutorial, you will learn how to activate ASP.NET from your hosting control panel. It is available only for paid users.     First, you need to select the ASP.NET Manager from the control panel. By default, the status of the ASP .NET is...