How to Redesign a Website Without Losing SEO

How to Redesign a Website Without Losing SEO

There are over 1.5 billion websites on the world wide web today. Some of them are active, some of them not, and all of them are the manifestations of someone’s desire to share something with the world. An endless ocean of information is packed into web pages,...
How to Make WordPress Secure from Hackers

How to Make WordPress Secure from Hackers

The web is constantly changing, constantly evolving. While this growth is predominantly good, we shouldn’t forget the possibility of malevolent behavior from some of the users. That is why, when building a WordPress website, we should consider not only the creation...

How and Why to Define WordPress Blog Page

When speaking of building a website with WordPress (or any other platform for that matter), arguably the most important thing to do is to make it so your website has a strong foundation. That is, to create such a structure that people, as well as machines, can easily...