How to Sell Photos Online: The Beginner’s Guide

How to Sell Photos Online: The Beginner’s Guide

It is no surprise that some of us are asking ourselves how to sell photos online. Photography, in one way or another, became so important a part of our everyday life that we could easily ask how we lived before that. We are taking photos of everything and everyone,...

How to Embed a Google Form in WordPress

Polls are a great way to get to know your audience. Although there are a lot of ways to add one to your website, like installing a WordPress Plugin or creating them with JavaScript, maybe the best one is to embed a Google Form in WordPress. Google Forms are ready to...
How to Register a Domain Name : The Right Way

How to Register a Domain Name : The Right Way

Once you’ve found out how to choose a  web hosting plan and got one, it is time for you to choose your domain name and start building a website. But before you jump into the website creation process, there are things or two that you may want to consider when you are...