How to Create a WordPress Multisite

Last week we talked about WordPress Multisite. What is it good for, when you will need it and when you won’t. Today we’ll find out how to manually establish your first WordPress Multisite. To do so, we’ll go through a number of steps. If you are not an experienced...

Yoast SEO Guide for Beginners

Before we go to the essence of this Yoast SEO Guide, we need to overcome a widely spread misunderstanding about the plugin. As far as my experience show, there is a large number of people, that are interpreting the plugin as some kind of magical SEO tool that will...
6 Ideas for Your First Online Side Business

6 Ideas for Your First Online Side Business

There is a huge hype around entrepreneurship in the last few years. Everyone from everywhere is trying to put in our heads the idea that it is really easy to become an entrepreneur. Everything you need is the will, they say. Yet, most of them are not even close,...