How Do I Update My PHP Version?

PHP is a server-side programming language that can be used to create advanced websites that perform actions that are not possible with a plain HTML site. Some features, enabled by PHP, include the ability to send email messages through your website, display different...

How Do I Customize My PHP Settings?

Thanks to the scalability of the PHP programming language, it can be used to build everything from a small personal site to a full-fledged content management system, and even to libraries and extensions meant to be used by other PHP developers. And since every PHP...

Traffic Statistics

In this article, we’re going to explain how to monitor your website traffic statistics.   What is Web Traffic? Web Traffic (also known as Bandwidth) is the amount of data transferred between your website and your visitors. The volume of data is usually...

Zacky Website Builder

Website creation tools are commonly offered among hosting providers. The tools which we offer are available both for the free and premium hosting plans. In this article, we will review the Zacky Website Builder section available in the AwardSpace control panel.  ...

Zacky Installer

CMS or Content Management System is a software used to help users create and manage the content of their website without technical knowledge. There are various CMS out there from which you can choose. Knowing which one to use is a matter of testing what suits your...